Sunday, May 24, 2009

OBAMA CORRUPTION: If Bush was the ENRON & Lies-to-War President, and Cheney the HALLIBURTON & TORTURE VP, then Obama is the GOLDMAN-SACHS president...

OBAMA's CORRUPTION: If President Bush was the ENRON, 9-11 Dereliction of Duty, & Lies-to-War President;
and Vice President Dick Cheney was the HALLIBURTON, BLACKWARER (billions-of-dollars of NO OVERSIGHT MERCENARIES) and TORTURE Vice President;
then President Barack Obama is now the GOLDMAN-SACHS CORRUPTION, GRAFT, and ECONOMIC EXTORTION president...

President Obama recently appointed FORMER GOLDMAN-SACHS PARTNER GARY GENSLER to be the Commodity Futures Trading Commissioner - PRECISELY BECAUSE Gensler is a GOLDMAN-SACHS, "LOOT the American Economy for AS MANY TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS AS WE CAN POSSIBLY HOARD" bankster.

In the Reuters article noting Gensler's selection to be head of the CFTC - charged with regulating US commodity futures & options markets - Reuters helpfully explained:
Obama picks ex-Treasury official Gensler for CFTC
Thu Dec 18, 2008
< Gensler served as U.S. undersecretary of the Treasury from 1999 to 2001 and assistant secretary of the Treasury from 1997 to 1999. He is one of three people named by Obama's transition team to review the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Gensler advised Sen. Paul Sarbanes on the Sarbanes-Oxley corporate reform law and is a former partner at Goldman Sachs. >
BUT! Reuters FAILED to mention that Gensler was an EIGHTEEN YEAR member (most of those years as a partner) of Goldman-Sachs, that as such he, LIKE FORMER TREASURY SECRETARIES, and FORMER Goldman-Sachs CHAIRMEN ROBERT RUBIN & HANK PAULSON, has MILLIONS of dollars invested in GOLDMAN-SACHS stock, and as such, would undoubtably BEND AS MUCH US POLICY in GOLDMAN's FAVOR, as he possibly could.

For President Obama to PRETEND IGNORANCE of the history of Gensler's and Goldman-Sachs GLARING conflicts-of-interest, and of the ILLEGAL "pump & squeeze," "corner vulnerable markets" scams for which Goldman-Sachs is notorious, is CORRUPTION of the FIRST ORDER.

For a very academic, dispassionate examination of the intertwining web of "BIG MONEY" interests SUBVERTING the national interests & economic good of America (and European countries as well), " WEB of DEBT : The Shocking Truth About Our Money System and How We Can Break Free" by Ellen Hodson Brown is terrific outline.

Names like Kuhn, Loeb, Morgan, Rockefeller, Rothschilds, Brown, Harriman, and others were all connected by agreements or (directly) via boards of directors. At ALL TIMES, they FAVORED HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT, and RIGGED financial markets, as a means of maximizing their own profit & control.
Ms. Brown points out that popular BACKLASH to the economy-killing MONOPOLY TRUSTS was SO strong, that the SHERMAN ANTI-TRUST ACT passed (1890) with JUST ONE nay vote out of BOTH Houses of Congress... ...but that even as John D. Rockefeller was forced to BREAK UP STANDARD OIL as a result of the Sherman anti-trust laws, he CONTINUED to CONTROL the broken-up companies through stock purchases and corporate allies.

Summary info:
Gary Gensler is an 18 year Goldman Sachs partner....
Goldman Sachs was "IN" on the fraudulent LOOTING of US financial markets (duh) - Robert Rubin and Hank Paulson were at GROUND ZERO of the US economic meltdown in 2008, BOTH men FORMER GOLDMAN SACHS CHAIRMEN who had actively & energetically PUSHED uber- Right-Wing Republican PHIL GRAMM's financial-system GUTTING twin "DEREGULATION" atrocities, the GRAMM-Leach-Bliley Act 1999 AND the Commodity Futures 'Modernization Act' of 2000 -
< The 1999 Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, however, put the parent holding company of each of the big American brokerages beyond SEC oversight. In order for the agreement to go ahead, the investment banks lobbied for a decision that would allow "voluntary" inspection of their parent and subsidiary holdings by the SEC. > (cited from )
Phil Gramm's bio outline:
and ROBERT RUBIN's wiki bio:

Goldman Sachs - to repeat, THE COMPANY of RUBIN & PAULSON, and now GARY GENSLER; where they all have TENS of MILLIONS in stock invested - has been reliably reported to have "PUMPED AND SQUEEZED" smaller investors out of tens of millions of dollars (that IS their "BUSINESS MODEL") - and even attempted to help Texas oil barons and Arab oil sheiks CORNER THE ENTIRE WORLD OIL MARKET.
And this is PRECISELY the company that President Obama sees fit to OVERSEE the "reforms and economic recovery" in the coming decade...
even though in her book, Ms. Ellen Hogdson Brown warns us that ALL BIG BANKERS have RELENTLESSLY SOUGHT _HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT_, AND _ECONOMIC CHAOS_, as means to INCREASE their relative wealth & power. And in the case of Goldman-Sachs in 2008-2009, they are not the LEAST bit shy, in BLATANTALY STEALING _TRILLIONS_ of American TAXPAYER dollars to make up for THEIR OWN FAILED BETS and ECONOMY-CUTTING FRAUDS, CONS, and monopoly "squeezes"!!!
CNN: the TRUE "Bailouts" cost to American taxpayers is upwards of EIGHT TRILLION DOLLARS: as of January, 2009, AND COUNTING, as American Taxpayers are FORCED TO PAY INTEREST on the US Debt, TO THE VERY THIEVING BANKERS that taxpayers are also forced to bail-out !!!!
The $8 trillion bailout
By David Goldman, staff writer
Last Updated: January 6, 2009
< Many details of Obama's rescue plan remain uncertain. But it's likely to cost at least $700 billion - and that would push Uncle Sam's bailouts near $8 trillion... >

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